Procrastinators: Alternative to a to-do list

Hey you. Do you have a hard time doing things or accomplishing tasks?

Working on your project, learning how to play your favorite instrument, or reading a non-fiction book? Even the most mundane ones such as taking out the trash, putting your newly washed clothes back in your closet or even showering?

Do you put off important chores and regret it but on the next day, you still don’t do them and the cycle continues?

How much more willpower do you use just to get yourself off of bed, go to work or step out of your house to meet friends?

If you answered yes or very much to all my questions or if you’re a procrastinator, you might wanna read on.

My previous solution was to compose a to-do list. I composed these lists thoughtfully and wrote it down everywhere

Post its
Mobile app
Notes in pc or mobile

It didn’t help me that much. Sure, writing it seemed fun but i never get around to finishing those tasks or even starting them.

For years, i have those starbucks planners, then a Tomntom coffee’s and also a Sterling from SM department. The notebook size is getting smaller haha

The earlier months have notes/plans. On the later months, I get lazy.

My solution

After a while scouring the web for self help on topics regarding procrastination and motivation boosters, I came across an article that offered these simple but brilliant suggestions. (I forgot which one huhu i wish i could like it a thousand times)

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